In the music industry, there are always two types of people – The ones who only listen to music from famous artists and bands and the others who hunt for underrate artists who are known to make the best music of all times. This rule does not change for metal bands. While there exist popular bands like Metallica, Black Sabbath, and others, there are a few others that are unknown to the world, but they are silently producing good music every year.

By underrated bands, we mean the following:

  • No one album wonders
  • The bands which aren’t talked about much on different platforms and do not have a dedicated fan following
  • The fans are of high quality, even though not great in number
  • There is only one band per genre

If you’re on the hunt for such underrated metal bands, here is a carefully curated list for you!

Spring Caravan

It is a stoner metal band that mainly makes music based on experiences from weed and spirit. The band is originally based out of Maryland and is considered a self-aware band that has the potential to bring new processes and ideas into the world. A few of the dedicated fans of this band state that it is a shame people are not into stoner metal which is one of the most peaceful in emotionally touching genres in the metal world. Their top five songs include:

  • Melancholy great
  • Darkness and longing
  • Lost Sun Dance
  • Dead Lovee
  • Stroman


It is a very fast and aggressive genre that first originated in New Jersey. One of the factors of this metal band is that their songs are very short-lived. Their latest album is just 14 minutes long. However, they still made a list as their impact on the audience was aggressive. It’s like they come, say what they have to say, and go! This leaves an aggressive message for the audience. It is from the Grindcore genre, which introduced the world to this subdivision of the metal genre. Their famous songs include:

  • Scopedog
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Flatworlder
  • Red Eye
  • Stake Knife

Cloven Hoof

Cloven Hoof

Cloven Hoof was responsible for introducing the world to a new wave of British Heavy metal and is considered one of the mos t over looked bands, despite their drastic hits in the genre. This band falls between the more aggressive and more melodic versions of songs produced. Although their punk songs are still too melodic for the genre, the listeners wish they could do something about it. It mainly makes songs on dark and mystic themes, which are realistic elastic, and hard-hitting. Tier top five famous songs are:

  • Nova Battlestar
  • The Nvaders
  • Gates of Gehenna
  • Cloven Hiif
  • Return of the Passover
Top 3 Underrated Metal Bands

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